Copy, Content & Collateral
Marketing/Advertising That Sells
Copyright (C) 2015 Cavaness & Assoc. All Rights Reserved
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A Press Release is a great way to keep your business in front of customers. Many publications are happy to print a press release and photo about a new product, service, or other company news.
We're experts at writing and placing Press Releases. Give us a call or send us an e-mail and we'll get started promoting your business today.
A feature story on your company provides your business with a lot of credibility. We can create an article that will tell your story in an interesting way.
Have you ever asked your customers for their thoughts about your company? You can learn a lot from your customers if you ask the right questions.
Do you package your products in boxes? If so, you can include a customer survey inside the box so your customers can tell you what is important to them.
Cavaness & Associates have created customer surveys that have generated helpful and surprising results. Give us a call today to learn what your customers really think.
Bill Cavaness is a very buttoned-down seasoned pro who understands all the dynamics of direct marketing whether it be print, viral, broadcast or word of mouth. Bill thinks creatively, and more important, was a willing listener to all the good ideas that vendors can bring to his table. I recommend Bill for any post inside his sweet spot.
John Omeste
